RECENT PUBLICATIONS by Florida Ocean Alliance
2023 Priorities for Florida's Oceans & Coasts
With visionary leadership, Florida now has a historic opportunity to proactively protect and restore its valuable ocean and coastal resources and thus take full advantage of the economic opportunities and innovation they provide. Florida Ocean Alliance’s Priorities support the ocean and coastal priorities of the Governor, the Florida Department of Environmental Protection and the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission.
U.S. Ocean Climate Action Plan Comments by the Florida Ocean Alliance
The Florida Ocean Alliance (FOA) responded to the request for information on the U.S. Ocean Climate Action Plan (OCAP) from the NOAA Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP), October 2022.
2022 Dispatch to Florida State Government
Florida is truly an ocean state with a lengthy coastline and an invaluable marine environment that are accessible to all residents. Highlighted in this Dispatch is one of the Strategic Plan’s priority recommendations – to continue to expand and grow Florida’s Blue Economy and increase jobs in its related coastal and ocean industries.
2021 Dispatch to Florida State Government
As Florida recovers from the COVID-19 pandemic, it is critical to focus on the opportunities offered by the state’s invaluable Blue Economy. These opportunities and the bold actions are outlined in the 2020 Strategic Plan “Securing Florida’s Blue Economy: A Strategic Plan for Florida’s Oceans and Coasts.” Implementation of the Plan will result in economic expansion and improved resilience.
Securing Florida’s Blue Economy: A Strategic Plan for Florida’s Oceans and Coasts (2020)
Florida’s Blue Economy is based on its ocean and coastal resources. It is large, diversified, and critical to the state’s prosperity and people’s quality of life. However, due to declining water quality, damaged natural habitats, and vulnerability of both human-built and natural infrastructure, Florida's Blue Economy is at risk.
2020 Dispatch to Florida State Government