The Florida Ocean Alliance is a nonpartisan organization dedicated to bringing together the private sector, academia, and nonprofit research organizations in Florida to protect and enhance Florida’s coastal and ocean resources for continued social and economic benefits.  Recognizing the interconnection of Florida to its neighbors in the Caribbean Basin, along the Gulf of Mexico, and the Atlantic Coast, the Florida Ocean Alliance is committed to positioning Florida as an international leader to integrate ocean conservation, education, and responsible economic development.  Private sector members include representatives from ocean-related industries in tourism, ports, shipping, cruising, recreational and commercial fishing, and recreational boating. Other members include representatives from nonprofit research organizations, academia, the ocean research community, and public interest groups.

The Alliance serves as a clearinghouse for information on key ocean and coastal issues facing Florida. It monitors and publicizes actions related to the oceans and coasts. The Alliance focuses on outreach and educational activities for the public and policymakers, including conferences, papers on ocean and coastal policies, economic studies, and testimony to national or state agencies and commissions concerned with ocean or coastal policy. Each year the Alliance sponsors Florida Oceans Day in the State Capitol in Tallahassee.

The Alliance was formed in late 1999 and evolved from the members participating in the Florida Governor’s Ocean Committee. This group recognized the vital role of coastal and ocean  resources  to Florida’s  quality of  life  and  economic  vitality in their 1999 Final Report.

What We Do

  • Serve as a clearinghouse for information on key ocean and coastal issues facing the state in both the public and private sectors

  • Monitor and publicize actions related to the oceans and coasts